Dayz Epoch/Arma 2 minimizes and crashes


Jan 2, 2014
Hello, everyone im having a HUGE problem with arma 2 AKA dayz and my problem is that when i launch dayz from the dayz launcher it stays stable for about 15 seconds then minimizes to the desktop. To give you little bit more back ground info on the pc here are the specs:
CPU: Intel Core I3-3225
RAM: 6gb DDR3-1600
VIDEO: Radeon HD 7750 1gb
HDD: 1TB western digital
OS: Windows 7 64bit

I do not believe that this problem is only centered around ARMA 2 but other games seem to have problems such as minimizing BUT not crashing. I have updated drivers and re-installing wont work. I've also tried to change the graphics from high to normal in ARMA 2 OA but when it restarted the same issue appeared.The only things im thinking it could be is: a corrupted hard drive, something weird with the graphics, or (What some people have been saying) windows 7 isn't genuine. I believe the 3rd option is why because it is doing it on multiple games and i bought the disk off Ebay. Thanks for helping i know you guys are a good community so i hope we can get this fixed! Again, Thanks -Joe Grosick
Also, it may be your CPU. You just BARELY meet the minimum requirements for DayZ. Can It Run says the minimum CPU Requirements for Intel are a Dual Core 3.2 GHz processor, you have a 3.3 GHz Dual Core, so if you have anything running, close it all (including background processes) and try again.

Its definitely genuine i tested 3 times
Also, it may be your CPU. You just BARELY meet the minimum requirements for DayZ. Can It Run says the minimum CPU Requirements for Intel are a Dual Core 3.2 GHz processor, you have a 3.3 GHz Dual Core, so if you have anything running, close it all (including background processes) and try again.

OK you were right i got it to run stable for 5.5 minutes at 30 fps
Ima overclock it to 3.5 GHZ to make sure there are no interuptions