So I'm trying to build a computer now that won't completely kill my already small budget and have come to a halt when trying to figure out the RAM, Mobo, and Hard Drive.
My problem is thus. Having chosen each part individually based on recommendations from a professional builder, I've chose the ATI Radeon HD 4850 video card. Now because this is DDR3, does that mean the mobo and the RAM can also only be DDR3? Or can I buy something that will be able to support the Card while still allowing me to use the DDR2 RAM? Now I'm going to end up putting in 4GB of RAM so I also need to consider a board that can handle all that as well...
Currently I've managed to choose the CPU (AMD Phenom), the case (Sunbeam Xoxide), and the hard drive (WD Caviar).
All that's left is the Power supply, RAM, and Mobo. I just need an answer to the DDR2-3 problem before I can continue.
My problem is thus. Having chosen each part individually based on recommendations from a professional builder, I've chose the ATI Radeon HD 4850 video card. Now because this is DDR3, does that mean the mobo and the RAM can also only be DDR3? Or can I buy something that will be able to support the Card while still allowing me to use the DDR2 RAM? Now I'm going to end up putting in 4GB of RAM so I also need to consider a board that can handle all that as well...
Currently I've managed to choose the CPU (AMD Phenom), the case (Sunbeam Xoxide), and the hard drive (WD Caviar).
All that's left is the Power supply, RAM, and Mobo. I just need an answer to the DDR2-3 problem before I can continue.