DDR2 on H310 solution guys

Oct 30, 2018
I know H310 has ddr4 ports. but i have a radeon ddr2 VRAM so if there is a solution to use the ddr2 ram it would help me keep on the budget. thank you

I'm pretty sure you can't even insert them into the same slots. They changed the port size.. er.. notch I mean.

Not actually it fits in the port

APU's use system ram as they don't have their own. But DISCRETE GPU have VRAM on board to not use OS ram :) less clutter and faster than going for OS ram.
That's a GPU, the VRAM doesn't limit the board that can be used.

The HD4350 *could* be used on an H310 board (assuming an available PCIe slot)
BUT, the iGP of a CoffeeLake era chip is going to be a better GPU than the HD4350 by a substantial margin.

yes it is better. but im thinking of using the old graphic card thats the issue.

now i get it...:)


Im new here so if you say it "can" work, how ?, i insert it the display doesnt show up.

If the VRAM in your GPU theoretically had to match the generation number of RAM that was supported in your motherboard, then nobody's been able to use a high-end graphics card for several generations. GPU's have had GDDR5 RAM for a long time and DDR5 SDRAM isn't even in the consumer market yet.

Insert GPU in PCIe slot. Connect power (if required), and connect display out - with everything else assembled, of course.

If you're not getting a display out, that doesn't necessarily sit with the GPU as an issue.

Lets start with your full system specs, please.

H310 motherboard
8gb ddr4 ram
i3 8th gen
250 gb ssd
500gb hdd