DDR3 1600 combining question


Jul 24, 2015
So I just built a new PC and I used some of my old PC RAM in it.

I originally had 2 x 2 GB DDR3-1600 gaming ram by a-data when I built my first PC in 2010. It cost me $109 then. Earlier this year I picked up some new RAM to add to my slots (before I decided to full on build a new rig) which was this RAM:

Now I upgraded to an i7-4790k and I wasn't sure if my newer RAM was matching well with my old RAM because the voltages were 1.5 (new) and 1.65 (old) but both 9-9-9-24 latency in CPUID.

So I just used the 8 GB of the corsair vengeance in my new rig and left the 2 x 2 out.

Anyways, while streaming and firefox open I have about 80% of my RAM taken up so I want to add more and I have 3 questions about that.

1) Should I just get the same exact RAM http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145345&cm_re=vengence-_-20-145-345-_-Product
and fill up 4 slots with 16 GB

2) Is DDR3-1600 good enough for the i7? Or should I get a higher clocked RAM like 8GB x 2 of DDR3-2400 to match my new processor & also have room to upgrade later

3) Put my 2 x 2 GB a-data old 1.65v ram in with the 8gb of corsair vengeance and try to wing it with 12 GB?..

Feel like I'm kind of rambling but I would appreciate if someone would drop some insight on this topic or a recommendation, thanks! 😀
1)I have some Patriot DDR3-1833 ram running at 1.65v and these modules perform extremely well. However, I definitely don't mix them up with the new rams that run at 1.5v or even 1.35v because the built-in memory controllers in new Intel processors like Haswell also uses less voltage that sync with the voltage of the ram you install in the system. Rams are so cheap now a days, I will definitely recommend to buy the same and matching ram and make it 16GB in total, instead of using the old ram.

2) DDR3-1600 is enough for i7. Based on numerous ram tests from many websites, there is minimal difference between DDR3-1600 and some DDR3-2xxx rams. However, if you want the best of the best, just get some DDR-3 2400 modules. I have 3770k and 16GB DDR3-1833 rams made by Crucial. On the other system, there is a Xeon with 32GB ECC ram running at just DDR3-1600 for maximum stability.
3)I don't recommend to do that. I won't even try it. If they fail and take the processor with it, there will be a lot of headache waiting ahead. It's just not worth it. Just stick with the ram that uses voltage within the spec of the processor.

Thanks for your input George!

I suppose I will shop around for some 2400 and see prices. I checked them out a bit and I noticed the timings are higher something like 10-12-10-31 or what not. I'm not sure if that is a huge difference from 9-9-9-24 because of the higher speeds.

Do you have a recommendation for the best 2400?
Otherwise I think I'll just get 8g more of the vengeance since it's on sale today for 41 bucks aha

* I guess the biggest reason I wanna upgrade is cause I've been using DDR3 1600 for 7 years almost >.<
I almost always buy memory modules made by Crucial. Its Ballistix lines are great and Crucial offers life-time warranty on all memory modules. Ballistix Elite, Sport, and TActical don't seem to differ to much except their heatsink designs and of course rated speeds. Crucial is a companies owned by Micron and use the super high quality chips made by Micron. Out of more than many dozens of memory I have purchased from them over the past decade, only 2 memory modules had issues. I filed RMA and got new and updated memory modules in both cases.

If you like to have some really cool and blinking LED lights on the memory modules, I also suggest their Ballistix Tracer line if you'd be purchasing DDR4 memory in the future. Crucial has discontinued make these with DDR3 chips.

Thanks man I checked out your article and it made me decide on:

They are super sexy and match my red/black scheme anyways. I also have room with my CPU cooler. Much better than these blue 1600's 😛