Ddr3 memory 2x2gb 1333 capped at dram frequency 535.8


Dec 26, 2011
hi i have a my mobo supports ddr3 memory 1333 normal not overlock but everytime i load pc up it say ram is running at a speed of 1066 and i checked cpu z and it say dram frequency is running at 535.8 mhz which tells me my ram is running at 1066mhz-1071.6mhz mobo is http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128529 and ram is http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231425 this is my first system i built so im still making mistakes here and there not to mention at the time i was on a budget but i dont wont to go into thebios without some proper instruction or advice so please help and bear with me
This is hapening because your motherboard see the memory at that frequency ,because 1066Mhz is standard of your motherboard. You can reach the 1333Mhz and 1600Mhz just from bios.And this is hapenning if you have energy saving ...on. The motherboard downgrade the frequency of your ram to save energy.
This is hapening because your motherboard see the memory at that frequency ,because 1066Mhz is standard of your motherboard. You can reach the 1333Mhz and 1600Mhz just from bios.And this is hapenning if you have energy saving ...on. The motherboard downgrade the frequency of your ram to save energy.