DDR3 RAM with Asus M5A99FX Pro R2.0


Nov 8, 2017
About two years ago I upgraded my old gaming rig to this mobo with an AMD FX 8320 Vishera CPU. However, I kept my old Sniper 2x4gb RAM DDR3 1600 (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231416) and, despite the manual not directly stating compatibility, I haven't run into any issues since.

I'm looking to upgrade to 16gb RAM for gaming and some occasional work related image processing but I'd like to stay with this particular series because of its low profile. Should I simply buy a second pair of 2x4gb DDR3 1600 or should I go ahead an upgrade to DDR3 1866 with the 2x8gb model (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231627)?

Are there any glaring compatibility issues I'm missing?

Edit: wrote 1833 for the 16gb sniper instead of 1866
2x8 at 1833mhz is better for you, not only it increases your gaming performance but multitasking too. With 8gb RAM you wont be able to do much in terms of gaming in the next year or 2 since the newest AAA games require at least 16gb. So 16gb at 1833mhz is the best for you.
2x8 at 1833mhz is better for you, not only it increases your gaming performance but multitasking too. With 8gb RAM you wont be able to do much in terms of gaming in the next year or 2 since the newest AAA games require at least 16gb. So 16gb at 1833mhz is the best for you.

My main concern is the motherboard's compatibility with that particular RAM set, because it doesn't specifically state in the manual that the sniper 2x8gb is compatible. Do you know if this mobo is flexible when it comes to this?

Just checked and your motherboard only supports DDR3 RAM of 2133(OC)/1866/1600/1333/1066 MHz. So no, it wont support the 16gb ram you listed above, but this one will work: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIACVB57X2984&cm_re=ddr3_16gb_ram-_-20-231-528-_-Product

Oops. Just noticed I wrote 1833 instead of 1866. Edited it. On that note the one you posted technically isn't on the compatible list either? This is why I was considering getting another pair of the 1600s to use with my current two.

In that case they should both be fine.

Thanks. I'll give it a try when I get some spare cash haha