Question DDR4 3000Mhz or 3200Mhz

Jan 15, 2019
I am building an Ryzen 7 2700 based pc paried with an rx 580 8GB (cant afford to upgrade right now). I can't decide whether to buy Corsair Vengeance Rbg 3000Mhz ram, or Corsair Vengeance 3200Mhz ram. Both are 16GB kits, but the 3200mhz kit is $104.99 and the 3000mhz kit is $113.99. I want the rbg on the ram, but i also like better in game performance. I know i clould also oc the 3000 mhz ram to 3200mhz if i'm lucky. But i cant decide which to buy. Any suggestions or experiance would be welcome!
3200 is faster than 3000, it won't be a huge difference. I would say 1-2% better if that.
if the 3000 has CAS latency of less than the 3200, then you would be better off with the 3000, but from the prices you have, they will probably both be CAS 16.

Asthetics or performance... and like you said, maybe you can OC the RGB to 3200, that I don't know.
Assuming latency is the same, if they're both the same price, you may as well get the 3200.
Ryzen's generally prefers faster RAM and you tend to see this in performance with them.

Obviously just make sure your motherboard supports the speed too.