DDR4 not being detected in second slot


May 5, 2017
As the title says, I'm having some issues installing some RAM.

Board is a budget Gigabytes h110m.

So initially I put both new sticks in and it failed to boot.

I removed the stick from the second slot and popped out the board battery, replaced it and got a good boot.

I've since repeated the same process with both sticks in. Failed to boot.

I've updated my BIOS and have no access to an xmp option.

I've tried booting with a single stick in the second slot. Failed to boot.

I've booted from the first slot with both sticks to eliminate DOA ram. Both sticks successfully booted.

Logically I do not feel it's a completely dead ram slot, otherwise it would fail to read, not fail to boot....right?

While researching this problem, I found a post on these forums that had two h110m owners find out they had the same problem. A bent CPU pin. I've since pulled the CPU and checked for a bent pin in each row and was unable to definatively determine one way or another. Everything seems fine but due to scale and accessibility, I could be missing it.

Given that, does anyone have a suggestion that I have missed? It's been about 10-15 years since I've done this so my techniques and information are somewhat dated.

Alternatively, does anyone know what specific pin or pins read and/or report the RAM slots?

I honestly think it's the second slot that is probably dead. If you tried both sticks in the second slot and it failed to boot, then you may need to do an RMA.

In the BIOS make sure settings on loaded on default settings. This will also help determine if it is a firmware or hardware.
Refund isn't happening. Warranty was the first thing I thought of but was not able to provide a receipt with my registered serial number so they refused. I'd mention the company's name but I'm not sure about policy's regarding negative feedback on third parties here.

That said, settings are all on auto. I actually attempted to change or otherwise manually set the ram timings in BIOS. When I went from auto to manual, the options all lite up but I cannot actually change anything so I exited without saving and continued attempts.

What makes you think the second slot is dead? If it were, how would that start an infinite failure to post rebooting sequence?


I didn't try both sticks in the second slot, but did try both sticks individually in the primary. Successful boot both times.

Well, try both sticks int he second slot each. And if it doesn't boot, then we found the problem.

But did you order it online? How are you not able to use your warranty? Gigabyte is pretty good about their products.

Bought a prebuilt off the shelf. Had no choice. I'm in a game design program that sent a MacBook Pro to dual book windows on and work in unity and such.

Complete lag trash.

Had an assignment I had to do so I bought the best rig I could find at the retailers near me.

The company that put it together is the problem, not Gigabytes.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to contact them. My hesitation is that I'm still in the degree program as well as actively developing. I can't take my rig offline for more than a couple days.

Yea, I use it to run an appletv we got a couple christmas' ago. It's pretty much a media server for my house.
Well if I were you, I would use it to install Windows 7 or 10 and get boot camp on it. Until you can get your motherboard fixed. Or you can just run with 1 stick, but unity can be resource heavy, so i'm sure you would want both in there at the same time.