Dead Graphics Card?


Jul 30, 2017
I've got a GTX 1080 about a year old. Everything has been working great, until today. While playing a game, the system crashed and, much worse, on reboot I'm encountering graphical glitches in all games. Even chrome seems to have issues, specifically with text disappearing. (Oddly Edge seems to be okay - go figure)

Here is a poor capture of the issue (only the first second is useful. Its not a good capture) (link)

I see this question comes up often. So I think I know the answer to my question - but before I jump to conclusions, is there a way to verify the issue is my GPU if I don't have access to another card?

Thanks for any advise.
what cpu do you have? if it has integrated graphics try them if not call the shop you bought the gpu in as they will most likely provide you with assistance

Thanks. Was able to get another card today and verify it is the GPU. I added a water block to the 1080 about 6 months ago, so no warranty. I don't over clock, and I don't think the GPU over heated as I monitor temperatures - but you never know. Perhaps I didn't have the thermal pads on the other components seated correctly. I read another thread about inspecting the card to find the cause, so might do that. Thinking I'll skip adding a custom waterblock to whatever I get as a replacement. Expensive lesson.
have you tried the oven method? Also if you are not planing to overclock then dont watercool your parts the stock coolers are more than enough and will maintain warranty and are sure to work.

I wasn't aware of the oven method. I'll try it out and see what happens. Thanks!

good luck :)