Question Dead Motherboard Help

Jun 3, 2019
So I have a ASUS G11CD-K desktop that stopped working on me. From what I can tell it looks like the motherboard is fried (mobo model G11CD-K as well). So far I’ve went out and bought a new 400W PSU to rule out that as the problem. When I installed the new PSU still nothing happened at all when I hit the power button. Did the paper clip test on both PSU’s as well and the fan starts spinning in them when the paper clip is applied.
So I figure dead motherboard.

And I’m wondering if this motherboard will work (I’m also open to any suggestions that aren’t over $200)

ASUS Prime B250M-C/CSM LGA1151

Current component specs:

Processor: Intel Core I5-7400
Chipset: Intel H110 / B250 / Kaby Lake

RAM: 12 GB DDR4-2400

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 2GB

PSU: Insignia 400-Watt PC Power Supply
Good idea , because you don't want something that unreliable running and protecting your setup.
That’s what I figured as well.
What I’m really looking for answers on is what a suitable motherboard would be to replace my current one.
I haven’t built a whole lot of custom pc’s and I’m worried that I’ll buy one that isn’t compatible or one that needs the chip set updated. I’m more or less looking for something that will be plug and play.