dead pixel? vertical line in the center of my LG model 27MP65HQ-P


Nov 11, 2016
hey all, bought a monitor second hand from a goodwill and it worked totally fine until I took it home on about a 3 hour drive. I didn't notice anything hurting it at all and don't know if it had been like this when I bought it but there is a vertical line about 2 pixels wide and the whole length of the screen with no break at all in it. It definitely is not software related as it is still there even when it is unplugged from the PC.

For a while medium pressure seemed to make it go away but it has come back and doesn't seem to be getting fixed by any amount of pressure. Now when I press on it it remains but changes to a light green color. Im skeptical to try to start taking it apart but if I have to I suppose I have no choice. Please any ideas other than replacing it would be so much appreciated thank you in advance!

LG model 27MP65HQ-P
made in June of 2014

Sadly, a vertical bar like that is almost always the LCD panel, especially if you press on it and it changes color.

You can try opening the monitor, then remove and replace the t-con flat cables and see if it makes a difference. It will be similar to the 4 flat brown connectors in this pic:

Usually, a very thin line is the LCD though, and non repairable. How did you transport the monitor? On the back side is the safest method.

LCDs are very fragile, and simply roughing them up can crack the LCD. Many flat panels in RVs have the exact same issue you have over time.
I laid it down on its back with the screen facing up with a hoodie over it to try to help protect it. Im not sure if I did it moving it or if it was like that when I bought it. I should have known there was something up when I bought a 2-300 dollar monitor for 40 bucks lol... such a bummer though I just got my first gaming rig and its hard to appreciate good graphics with this god awful line dead center.

Do you have any ideas as to where to buy the replacement part you spoke of? Im not well versed in this at all but does it make a difference this is an IPS monitor? Thank you so much for the advice though!
It was probably already defective.....and you just didn't see it or they managed to make the line disappear while selling it.........

By replace, I mean just checking the connection. Take those flat ribbon cables out and put them back in while checking if everything it tight. Those cables are almost never bad themselves.

You can check for a new panel though, once you open it up and have the panel part number.