So I got this moniter when a friend orderd a dell bundle and did not need it, so it was brand new. But I keep getting this : and I don't know why. Any ideas? .
Odd actually dose not show up on the video.
It is basically a row of black pixels but the wired thing is it stops when I reboot my PC. I have no clue what is going on here I really need help.
430W power supply
Readon 260x R7
Antholon x4 4.1GHZ
1TB Normal hardrive
Odd actually dose not show up on the video.
It is basically a row of black pixels but the wired thing is it stops when I reboot my PC. I have no clue what is going on here I really need help.
430W power supply
Readon 260x R7
Antholon x4 4.1GHZ
1TB Normal hardrive