Dear Hollywood: Attn R Redford
Yes, the above is pure sympathy and understanding for those brave souls years ago, who "did" the "right" thing.
Now lets move ahead 1 month, and the absence of Mr Redford and Hollywood, and their sympathy for this:
I know its in you, and you have many reasons to give your sympathy, the spying, the IRS, maybe you even like 32oz cokes, but please Hollywood/Mr RR, your fans are waiting.

This is for an even greater cause, as its one of your own, and no one died
RRedford is a Liberal i thought?

He is, his new movie raises up the weather underground, a few friends of Obama are from that group.
Hes gone on record of sympathy and understanding for their actions, thus the movie.
I think it appropo for him to speak about this actress, give her his blessing for her actions, and maybe throw in:
as well.
The heckler was one of the people who set up MS Obamas talk, but obviously had better and more important issues