If EA did as good a job at eliminating aimbots and hackers on the PC version as Blizzard/Overwatch is doing, I wouldn't even care about the DLC being overpriced. Last time I tried playing my average lifespan was less than 5 seconds and I kept dying from, literal, full map length headshots. The Death Star DLC looks fantastic, but no way am I playing it unless there is a single player option.
The DLC is a little odd because it focuses so heavily on space missions. To play the final mission in Battle station the Empire has to lose both the Star Destroyer mission and the R2D2 mission. That is a shame because the Deathstar trench mission is quit simply epic no matter what side you are on.
Very small map adds with this release. Disappointing to say the least. No new Walker Assault maps!
Where would they fit walker assault at in this DLC? lmao. Its taking place on a artificial moon with locations only big enough for troops and landing ships.
Couple of ideas. Have a Evacuation of Yavin Map, cant believe Death Star didnt have any Star Destroyers not close.
Another one - reverse Walker were Rebels are using one inside of a Star Destroyer to take it down and Storm Trooper need to destroy it before they get to the reactors.
Just seems like a really small number of maps compared to Bespin.