debating weather to go with a 670 SLI vs. GTX 770?

Ronald Ruffner

Jun 7, 2013
I have an i5 4th Gen 3.4 GHz CPU on a Z87 MB with 16GB RAM using a GTX 670 Nvidia and was debating weather to move up to an Nvidia 770 or go SLI with my 670. I'm playing Civ 5, Fallout everything, Skyrim etc. I've been told that the GTX 770 would give me about 10% performance rate but the SLI could give me as much as 30-34% faster throughput and better graphics.

Any help would be appreciated.
670 SLI is a LOT better than a single 770. I wouldnt upgrade from a 670 to a 770, would be barely noticable.

You can overclock a 670 to within a couple of % of 770 performance.
SLI will give you more performance boost and THB is a better upgrade than the 770. Be aware though some games dont support SLI configuration. Not sure if its still an issue (I dont have SLI config) but you may get micro stuttering when gaming (someone advise on this as not 100% sure). Also you will need a PSU that will handle both cards.

Hey Quaddro, Zink1701 and RobCrezz, Thank you all a million! I really appreciate your responses to my debate. You all confirmed my original thought about just SLI it! I've checked on the games I'm playing and they don't have an issue with any of them from what I've seen, but I can always disable it for specific games if I'm not mistaken. Again, thanks for your input, now to find another 670! ha ha ha ha ha ha