Debunked: Rockstar Not Banning Players For Modding GTA V

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They SHOULD ban for online mods. They have no way of telling if you're just using mods to render a whale in the sky or using injectors to get godmode, instagib, money guns, all that crap. Bottom line: don't hack your if you're going online. This isn't skyrim.
Be more specific. They don't ban for single-player mods. They DO ban for online mods.

"Of course, Rockstar will still be taking measures against players that mess with the online experience. But to be fair, that sort of oversight is actually something we want."
There needs to be more clarification. Any mod that impacts any of the online aspects will get you banned. this includes anything that will influence any achievements or other recorded data.

Since many of the mods allow you to progress more quickly, they also impact the achievements, and that gets you banned. So it is possible to get banned even though you are only using the mods in single player.

The confusion is coming from them not detailing the extents of the modding that they will allow.
they will ban you if you try loading into the multiplayer with the singleplayer mods installed, and some of the modders are making it where their mods automatically disable if your detected loading into the multiplayer.
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