Deciding between 4 laptops :)

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Shawn Dunmire

Sep 25, 2013
I know there are many threads similar to this with these laptops in question, but I feel like my needs were specific enough to warrant this thread, as well as them being in specific configurations, and recent price drops etc, thanks in advance for your help.

I'll be using this laptop for school, to take notes, watch youtube videos, study, etc. It'll be a desktop replacement as well, however. I often like to sit outside, so glary screens are scary, but I've never tried it so IDK how unusable it really is?

I do game, but not very intensive games. League of Legends, Dota2, Counterstrike, Diablo 3.
I'd like to run these games @1080p, high settings, and not dip below 60fps.

Can you guys help me decide? I've narrowed it down to these 4 (though I'm open to suggestions).
My budget is to be below $1,000 USD.

1) Lenovo Y50

2) HP Omen


4) Dell Inspiron

This is a link to a graph I made for a quick rundown between them with my thoughts:
Yeah, the 5400 rpm would be the slowest. I tend to value design over storage since storage can typically always be replaced. 4th and 6th processors are pretty close and won't be the bottleneck of your build. The gpu will be which is what you want.

Thanks for your input sir! May I ask your opinion about the "glariness"? The Lenovo is super glossy. Do you think that matters very lightly or kind of a big deal? when comparing to more matte displays. Is the Acer matte or gloss? I can't tell.

What's your second choice in my list and why? What parts do you think matter most for my needs? Seems like a 5400RPM hdd pales in comparison even to the 7200rpm one on the list, let alone the Omen's ssd. What about 6th gen vs 4th gen CPU's. Isn't that a big difference?

Yeah, the 5400 rpm would be the slowest. I tend to value design over storage since storage can typically always be replaced. 4th and 6th processors are pretty close and won't be the bottleneck of your build. The gpu will be which is what you want.
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