Deciding on getting a Desktop PC or laptop


Dec 6, 2012
So, i have ~£800 to spend on a pc or laptop. I was originally deciding on a computer, as you can get a much more powerful system for the price. However, as i don't game as much as i use to i've been thinking about getting a latop. I understand that a PC is far superior but as a student, having one good laptop is more convenient. So could you recommend which you would get (a pc or laptop) and give me the Pros and Cons of each. Then give me some latops/PC components that i could get. Thanks

But could i still get a laptop that plays games at low/medium at playable framerates?

But i rarely game, and with my previous desktop i had to play games at medium or low to get >60fps so i don't mind the compromise. Plus as a student, i'd need a laptop anyway.

Pretty much, with that budget, you're looking at buying something almost as good as an Alienware Desktop!
If your primary focus is mobility, then a laptop will serve you better. If your primary focus is gaming performance, then a desktop will be the better choice.

As @ShadowR34per said, if you pick the right specs for your laptop, you should be able to at least manage playable FPS with medium or even high settings, depending on the games you would be playing on it. Doesn't even have to have a top-of-the-line mobile GPU, since your laptop screen will most likely limit you to 720p resolutions anyway (possibly 1080p tops). Best thing I would recommend is don't scrimp on the RAM, especially if you install a 64-bit OS; if the base model doesn't include 8GB, plan on upgrading it (either as part of the purchase or with an after-market RAM chip).

Okay, thank you. Do you have any recommendations of what laptop i could get?