[SOLVED] Deciding on GPU for Ryzen 5 World of Warcraft Build

Jan 19, 2019
Wondering if there would be a benefit to getting the RX 580 8gb GPU over the RX 580 4gb? Mainly gaming on World of Warcraft in 60hz 1080p, but possibly upgrading display in the future. Also, I would like to here any constructive criticism on this build in general. Advice on GPU possibilities and performance would be appreciated.

Ryzen 5 2600x CPU
DeepCool Gammaxx 400 cooler
MSI - B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC ATX AM4 Motherboard
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series DDR4-3000 2x8gb RAM
EVGA SuperNOVA 750W 80+ GOLD Power Supply
Cougar MX330-G ATX Mid Tower Case

That was only recommended for future display resolution support. 1440p gaming, you want a more powerful GPU. While WoW is the main goal here, having support for other titles, at a higher res is a good thing. Also, the RTX 2060 should last a couple expansions. Each expansion adds higher system requirements. Getting just good enough, for now, might not be quite enough for the next X-pac, as the same settings you are enjoying now. I learned that, the hard way.

Sorry for the down vote, i thought it was to scroll down through answers. Thanks for the answer
Hi Outlaw, based on the system you have chosen, it should run WoW quite nicely.

I use an R5 2600 (stock speeds), EVGA GTX 1060 SSC 6GB and 3200mhz Corsair memory and with my settings set to 7 (which I think is WoW's Ultra) I can usually get 58-60fps in Boralus during peak hours, 140-160 in a 15man Raid and almost maxxing out the FPS when out doing World Quests.

I've always used Nvidia GPUs though, so I can't say for sure how an AMD GPU will behave in game.

But WoW isn't the only game the OP plays, but we don't know what they are.
So some games are playable with that card at 4k, some aren't... best to get one that doesn't have that issue, no?
OP is playing at 1080p, so this is mostly irrelevant.

But geez, that RTX Titan is a hot piece of garbarge... I recall reading the TPU article on it last month.

That was only recommended for future display resolution support. 1440p gaming, you want a more powerful GPU. While WoW is the main goal here, having support for other titles, at a higher res is a good thing. Also, the RTX 2060 should last a couple expansions. Each expansion adds higher system requirements. Getting just good enough, for now, might not be quite enough for the next X-pac, as the same settings you are enjoying now. I learned that, the hard way.
I play wow almost exclusively.

I have a r5 1600 oc 3.8 system with rx580 8gb, and also put together a r6 2600 (stock) with rx570 8gb for a real-life guildie. ( I played his system for two weeks before giving it to him).

seriously I feel no differences between the two system when in mythic +/ raid. keep in mind your fps will dip down in the 30-50s when your are dealing with open world boss like the one in arathi and dark shore.

overall fps is around 80-100 in Zuldazar pyramid, and usually 150+ during flight.

as for your overall build, I can tell you can getting a 2600 (stock fan) and rx570 makes no noticeable differences in wow performance vs a 2600x ( /w gammaxx 400) and rx580. however the former saves you about 60-80 dollars. if you do intend to play other AAA games in the future, you could do an upgrade on rx570.

one thing I like about ryzen is that even with a budget build ($750 USD) you can open OBS and stream your game session (sometimes you need a 6th person to guide you with a mythic or something), your gaming experience is still quite enjoyable with OBS on.

if wow is all you play and you want to have maximum performance, I would suggest you to get intel system.
oc any of the k sku coffeelake (8350k,8600k/9600k 8700k/8086k/9700k/9900k)over 4.8 will net you pretty significant fps gain over the ryzen system (but quite pricy)

if you want to know the relative performance of high systems ($1500+), my other frd put together a 9600k (4.8ghz) /3600 ram / 2080 for the upcoming 8.1.5. under 4k he uses 7 for non raid (120-170 fps), and 5 for raid/dungeon (roughly 150+ fps). In terms of monitor choice, 4k60hz give you very crisp image, and 2k 144 give you very smooth gaming experience. (give you have a strong system)