Deck: Anarchs led by Bindusara



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Hi. Here's another try at an Anarchs deck; any thoughts would be much

Deck Name: Bindusara's Anarchs
Created By: S.

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 21, Max: 32, Avg: 6.58)
2 Bindusara AUS DOM FOR PRE tha 9, Ventrue
2 Eugenio Estevez AUS dom for THA 6, Tremere
2 Kyoko Shinsegawa aus cel dom for 5, Tremere
1 Marlene AUS dem DOM for tha 6, Ventrue antitribu
1 Muaziz aus dom for THA 7, Tremere
1 Parnassus aus CEL QUI tha 7, Assamite
1 Vincent Day aus dom for pot tha 5, Ventrue antitribu
1 Virstania AUS dom pre THA vic 7, Tremere
1 Yitzak pre AUS CEL THA 7, Toreador antitribu

Library: (90 cards)
Master (14 cards)
1 Anarch Free Press, The
1 Anarch Railroad
2 Blood Doll
2 Celerity
3 Galaric`s Legacy
1 Powerbase: Los Angeles
1 Seattle Committee
2 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1 Threestar Cab Company

Action (24 cards)
11 Cryptic Mission
1 Fee Stake: Boston
1 Fee Stake: Corte
1 Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1 Fee Stake: New York
1 Fee Stake: Perth
1 Fee Stake: Seattle
2 Go Anarch
1 Reformation
4 Scouting Mission

Action Modifier (18 cards)
6 Crocodile`s Tongue
6 Change of Target
6 Loose Cannon

Political Action (6 cards)
2 Anarch Salon
2 Firebrand
2 Free States Rant

Reaction (11 cards)
7 Friend of Mine
4 Wake with Evening`s Freshness

Combat (17 cards)
11 Diversion
2 Groundfighting
2 Theft of Vitae
2 Weighted Walking Stick


Apr 2, 2004
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> Reaction (11 cards)
> 7 Friend of Mine
> 4 Wake with Evening`s Freshness

7 of your vamps have AUS and the others have aus. Maybe a few
Telepathic Trackings instead of all Friends would be useful? TC
doesn't cost 1 blood, and a single vamp can play both to reduce a
potentially devestating bleed by 4.

I'd also try and get a few flicks in there. Telepathic Misdirection
rocks, and has great cyclability by playing it at lesser. If you're
going to get bled heavily, make the bleed oust your prey.

When playing Anarch's, it's good to have flexibility to play cards when
you aren't an anarch, else if you get blocked trying to go Anarch,
you're dead.

--> J


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7 of your vamps have AUS and the others have aus. Maybe a few
Telepathic Trackings instead of all Friends would be useful? TC
doesn't cost 1 blood, and a single vamp can play both to reduce a
potentially devestating bleed by 4.

I'd also try and get a few flicks in there. Telepathic Misdirection
rocks, and has great cyclability by playing it at lesser. If you're
going to get bled heavily, make the bleed oust your prey.

When playing Anarch's, it's good to have flexibility to play cards when

you aren't an anarch, else if you get blocked trying to go Anarch,
you're dead.

--> J

Umm, reducing bleeds? I think you meant Telepathic Counter. But good
advice though. Especially since you're using Friend of Mine at the
Fortitude level. Telepathic Counter does the same minus the blood cost.

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 21, Max: 32, Avg: 6.58)
2 Bindusara AUS DOM FOR PRE tha 9, Ventrue
2 Eugenio Estevez AUS dom for THA 6, Tremere
2 Kyoko Shinsegawa aus cel dom for 5, Tremere
1 Marlene AUS dem DOM for tha 6, Ventrue antitribu
1 Muaziz aus dom for THA 7, Tremere
1 Parnassus aus CEL QUI tha 7, Assamite
1 Vincent Day aus dom for pot tha 5, Ventrue antitribu
1 Virstania AUS dom pre THA vic 7, Tremere
1 Yitzak pre AUS CEL THA 7, Toreador antitribu

Too many high cap. vampires. When playing Fee Stakes, it's good to have
at least half your crypt Baron Ready but the rest of it should consist
of vampires with a capacity less than five. Also let's you get the most
out of Firebrands. Now I don't know why you run Bindusara over Ian
Forestal. You don't run any cards that require Presence, and have no
need for superior Fortitude. Ian costs a pool less, and can play
everything. Plus he's got all three in-clan at superior. I would try
something like this:

2x Ian Forestal 8 AUS DOM THAU Tremere-Antitribu
1x Muaziz, Archon of... 7 aus dom for THAU Tremere
1x Eugenio Estevez 6 AUS dom for THAU Tremere
1x Elena Mendoza Vasquez 6 AUS dom obt THAU Tremere-Antitribu
1x Marlene, The... 6 AUS dem DOM for thau Ventrue-Antitribu
1x Vincent Day 5 aus dom for pot thau Ventrue-Antitribu
1x Richard Tauber 4 AUS thau Tremere-Antitribu
1x Thelonius 4 aus dom thau Tremere-Antitribu
1x Brooke 3 dom thau Tremere-Antitribu
1x Martin Franckel 3 AUS thau Tremere
1x Heinrick Shlempt 2 thau Tremere-Antitribu

Library: (90 cards)
Master (14 cards)
1 Anarch Free Press, The
1 Anarch Railroad
2 Blood Doll
2 Celerity
3 Galaric`s Legacy
1 Powerbase: Los Angeles
1 Seattle Committee
2 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1 Threestar Cab Company

Three Galaric's Legacy is not enough. And hoping to draw that lone
Seattle Committee in your opening hand is not going to cut it. I run
six Legacies and a copy of Committee in most my anarch decks. And from
my experience, it's much better than the cardless action nowadays
because you'll get blocked. Your predator and prey won't want you
becoming Going Anarch and with the amount of Anarch Required cards you
run, you need that Galaric's Legacy as soon as possible to prevent hand
jam. Also, you need better pool management. Maybe this:

- 2x Celerity
- 2x Smiling Jack
- 1x Three Star Cab Company (... at three pool, no wonder it's not a
five star)

+ 2 Blood Doll
+ 3 Galaric's Legacy

Yes yes, Smiling Jack is pretty good for the deck. But bare with me.
You're not exactly intercepting much with this deck and run only 4x
WWEF in the original decklist. Sure Powerbase: Los Angeles helps, but
that's it -- you're not going to get much out of Smiling Jack with five
cards in defending him. You can up the Master slots by two and Vampiric
Disease instead though. Heh.

Action (24 cards)
11 Cryptic Mission
1 Fee Stake: Boston
1 Fee Stake: Corte
1 Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1 Fee Stake: New York
1 Fee Stake: Perth
1 Fee Stake: Seattle
2 Go Anarch
1 Reformation
4 Scouting Mission

Not too bad, but drop down to five Fee Stake(s) and get rid of the
copies of Go Anarch! You got Galaric's Legacies instead. Reformation is
sweet and I always add a copy if running enough Dominate in Anarch
decks. Scouting Mission is ok I guess. Works nicely with Loose
Cannon/Crocodile's Tongue/Change of Target you have going. But I would
drop them. I don't think they'll block your bleed once you pull that
combo off once or twice. I mean, I'd rather take two than have four
blood depleted off a vamp. In which case, you'd be better off with

Action Modifier (18 cards)
6 Crocodile`s Tongue
6 Change of Target
6 Loose Cannon

- 2x Crocodile's Tongue
- 2x Change of Target

I like the combo but I would add these to help with the vote module:

+ 2 Telepathic Vote Counting

And yes, these as mentioned above:

+ 2 Conditioning

Political Action (6 cards)
2 Anarch Salon
2 Firebrand
2 Free States Rant

Drop Anarch Salon. I love the card, had a Follower of Set bloat deck
that used Tribute to the Master / Anarch Salon while Enchanting at
superior and Legal Manipulating their way to a pretty impressive amount
of pool. I guess it could work here, but I would replace them with two
more Free States Rant. Just adds more to what you have going with
Cryptic Missions and Vampiric Disease / Smiling Jack plus Crocodile's
Tongue / Loose Cannon.

Reaction (11 cards)
7 Friend of Mine
4 Wake with Evening`s Freshness

I would run the following instead:

6x Wake with Evening's Freshness
6x Telepathic Misdirection
3x Telepathic Counter

T. Misdirection doubles as light intercept. Sure it costs a blood, but
hey - always nice to send a vampire who's out of blood to torpor once
he tries to hunt. You were blowing that blood on friend of Mine so
either way, you get a tad more versatility this way. Telepathic Counter
is fun with Powerbase: LA and with the amount of AUS you have doesn't
cost you a thing to reduce a bleed for two.

Combat (17 cards)
11 Diversion
2 Groundfighting
2 Theft of Vitae
2 Weighted Walking Stick

It makes sense in the original decklist, with the amount of celerity
you were running. Not a bad package but with the changes, I would make
it look more like this:

12x Diversion
4x Burst of Sunlight
2x Aura Reading

Diversion / Burst of Sunlight is too sweet to pass up. Aura Reading is
sweet at both inferior and superior. Again having a card do two
different things helps in different situations. I like playing at
superior, letting me dig a little deeper into my deck and helps hand

All and all, I like the deck. Made quite a few changes, and I am not
saying they're all great but try it out and see if it works for you.
Also would try to squeeze in Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter). He's one of my
favorite allies, and with all the blood you'll be plucking off vamps -
he'd be great to stop hunting actions. Or equiping actions, or
political actions... you get the drift. He's just annoying. Good luck
with the deck!


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In general, I agree with many of Evil's changes. You really do want
more minions, so reducing your overall crypt size is good. Plus, the
possibility of having two or three 7-caps in your opening draw makes
Firebrand less effective. I think the one big place I would differ is
to use your vote module more on the Firebrands. You have a lot of
actions, and you'd really like to have as many minions as possible take
two per turn. I agree that the votes are going to be a little
difficult to pass. One thing I haven't tried yet is the potentially
rude combo of Mob Rule/Telepathic Vote Counting. Perhaps something to
consider for this deck.

Eric Simon
Prince of Chicago


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Thanks! Okay, here it is again, with a few changes:

Deck Name: Bindusara's Anarchs
Created By: S.

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 17, Max: 32, Avg: 6.08)
1 Parnassus aus CEL QUI tha 7, Assamite
1 Yitzak pre AUS CEL THA 7, Toreador antitribu
1 Richard Tauber AUS tha 4, Tremere antitribu
1 Eugenio Estevez AUS dom for THA 6, Tremere
2 Kyoko Shinsegawa aus cel dom for 5, Tremere
1 Martin Franckel tha AUS 3, Tremere
1 Muaziz aus dom for THA 7, Tremere
1 Marlene AUS dem DOM for tha 6, Ventrue antitribu
1 Vincent Day aus dom for pot tha 5, Ventrue antitribu
2 Bindusara AUS DOM FOR PRE tha 9, Ventrue

Library: (90 cards)
Master (14 cards)
1 Anarch Free Press, The
3 Blood Doll
1 Celerity
6 Galaric`s Legacy
1 Powerbase: Los Angeles
1 Seattle Committee
1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch

Action (20 cards)
10 Cryptic Mission
1 Fee Stake: Boston
1 Fee Stake: Corte
1 Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1 Fee Stake: Perth
1 Fee Stake: Seattle
1 Reformation
4 Scouting Mission

Action Modifier (18 cards)
6 Crocodile`s Tongue
6 Change of Target
4 Loose Cannon
2 Telepathic Vote Counting

Political Action (6 cards)
3 Firebrand
3 Free States Rant

Reaction (17 cards)
4 Friend of Mine
4 Telepathic Counter
4 Telepathic Misdirection
5 Wake with Evening`s Freshness

Combat (15 cards)
2 Burst of Sunlight
11 Diversion
2 Weighted Walking Stick

I can't use Ian Forestal because I don't have any of him, and it's no
use trading for it because I can never keep him. Whenever I get one,
someone runs up out of nowhere and snatches it away.

I'm not sure I want to get rid of Celerity altogether.

The thing I like about Scouting Mission is that Bindusara (and I
suppose, Marlene) can always use it at superior in a pinch. Bleeding at
more than +1 is likely to get my bleed bounced, or even Archon
Investigated if I get greedy and unlucky. The bleed isn't even meant to
go through, anyhow; it's bait.

I want to keep Kyoko. I think she's brilliant here, even without tha.
Sure she can't play Cryptic Mission, but she doesn't need to.

As far as people not falling for the same trick after the first few
times, I think you'd be surprised. Even after years of playing, a guy
with one +1 Intercept in hand will always attempt to block a heavy
stealth bleed deck, regardless of how well it usually works for him.

So, is this version better? Or is it too unfocused now? Thanks!


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Hmm not too bad, a shame you can't get your hands on Ian Forestal but
he does come in the Tremere-Antitribu Black Hand Starter deck.
Definitely worth it. Anyways, let's see.

Master (14 cards)
1 Anarch Free Press, The
3 Blood Doll
1 Celerity
6 Galaric`s Legacy
1 Powerbase: Los Angeles
1 Seattle Committee
1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch

Much better. You can drop one Galaric's Legacy for the extra Blood
Doll. Still think Vampiric Disease is a better choice than Smiling
Jack. Cool with the single Celerity card, though.

Reaction (17 cards)
4 Friend of Mine
4 Telepathic Counter
4 Telepathic Misdirection
5 Wake with Evening`s Freshness

I still don't see why you use Friend of Mine. You can only play it with
Fortitude and it's really not worth the trouble of going anarch for in
this case. Especially when you got T. Counter at your disposal. Now
that being said, if you'd add Elena Mendoza Vasquez and Gerard (... a
five cap. with aus obt dom for ...) then I would add like two or three
copies of Friend of Mine just for fun. Still think your average crypt
cap. is too high though.

Combat (15 cards)
2 Burst of Sunlight
11 Diversion
2 Weighted Walking Stick

This is nice with Kyoko, and even better if you can get a hold of Ian
Forestal. He'd also work nicely with Friend of Mine. All in all, test
it out. Seems solid, but there's going to be a few kinks here and
there. Always is with Anarch decks. Good luck though!


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On 18 Mar 2005 16:05:38 -0800, scrawled:

>Thanks! Okay, here it is again, with a few changes:
>Deck Name: Bindusara's Anarchs
>Created By: S.
>Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 17, Max: 32, Avg: 6.08)
>1 Parnassus aus CEL QUI tha 7, Assamite
>1 Yitzak pre AUS CEL THA 7, Toreador antitribu
>1 Richard Tauber AUS tha 4, Tremere antitribu
>1 Eugenio Estevez AUS dom for THA 6, Tremere
>2 Kyoko Shinsegawa aus cel dom for 5, Tremere
>1 Martin Franckel tha AUS 3, Tremere
>1 Muaziz aus dom for THA 7, Tremere
>1 Marlene AUS dem DOM for tha 6, Ventrue antitribu
>1 Vincent Day aus dom for pot tha 5, Ventrue antitribu
>2 Bindusara AUS DOM FOR PRE tha 9, Ventrue

personally, i'd try somehow to be squeezing more Trem in the crypt,
and including Arcane Library. That is half the reason people play with
Bindusara, isn't it?

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