Decrease in Life for 2.66 to 3.8


Aug 11, 2009
Hello, I'm thinking of buying a computer from Digital Storm, and this prebuilt I want has a i7 920 that is overclocked to 3.8hz. I hear that CPU's usually last 10 years but overclock will decrease it faster. I want to keep this computer for about 7 years because it is a pretty expensive one. How long can I keep this computer? It is a HAF 932 model and has ASETEK liquid cooling
If your processor lasts only three years, it's replacement will cost very little at that point in time.

Frankly, the odds of your disks, vid cards, and psu failing before 7 years - or becoming inadequate for the tasks you will then ask of it - is the greater concern.
Last year, I pitched my still working P233MMX system that I had oc'd to 333 MHz.

If you keep your voltages and temperatures below Intel's recommended, your computer will go obsolete long before anything wears out from overclocking.


Aug 11, 2009
The thing is guys, I am not doing anything, it is the company. I don't know how overclocking works either. Since they are professional, they know what they are doing; they know how to keep the voltage + temperature stable?


No need to worry about the life of the CPU being overclocked, especially if it a factory OC, it will have been tested stable, and ofcourse, there is always places like Toms that will give you the necessary info if you chose to change that overclock to a lower setting, so dont worry about it, just bear in mind, that you will be paying a premium for this Factory OC , one which with a little bit of patience and learning, you will be able to build and do yourself for far less!



You say 7 years now but I m sure you won't keep it for that long. :non:

When I bought my rig a year ago I said the same thing. :pt1cable: