Hey there i just reset all my bios settings from the motherboard ar cmos button and now my pc turns on automaticaly when i plug the power please help me to disenble this problem (switch button works fine no problem with it )
what motherboard are you using? there is a big possibility that your front panel i/o connectors are placed wrongly for the power switches and what not. can you please recheck them.
other factors to consider :
1. you mustve changed something weird on your BIOS by accident. so try to give it a CMOS reset on the 2 pin jumper. dont forget to return the jumper to its original 1-2 position. not on the 2-3 pin.
2. the Powersupply is faulty
3. the motherboard is faulty
4. bent pins in your CPU socket mount
Hey i found the problem for all of you witch have the same problem open f10 menu and go to power options there you will find the problem make sure to disenagle or enable (depending on what computer you are using)