Default Speakers Don't Work in Select Games/Apps (WMP / VLC / DA:I / ETC)


Jan 18, 2015
So for Xmas, I treated myself to a new monitor. ASUS VS278Q-P Ultrafast

I plugged it into my computer via HDMI and moved my original Hanns-G HDMI monitor to my secondary slot using a DVI to HDMI cord. After I did this, I noticed I began having issues with my sound card. My sound card is on board Realtek. I have external speakers plugged into the rear audio jack, nothing fancy, just speakers and a sub with a little control box. I began having issues even further, when I plugged in my new Blue microphone.

When I go into some games, sound comes out of my speakers flawlessly. When I am watching videos on Chrome, it works fine. Now Windows Media, VLC Player, and select games like Path of Exile, Dragon Age Inquisition, and Saints Row IV, won't send audio to my speakers. With WMP I get error C00D11B1. With DA:I, I can select audio devices; my HDMI monitors are there but not my speakers. With all other components, I am completely lost. It's about a 10% chance the game or app won't push audio, so it's not a life killer, it just sucks to be unable to finish games like DA:I. I don't mind watching my movies in Chrome.

If I switch the audio device used in these programs to my HDMI monitor, the sound comes out fine. The sound quality is dreadful, however, so obviously I'd like to use my speakers. Plus, when I need to be quiet, I can't use my headphones.

I've updated literally every single driver on my PC to it's latest and greatest. I've run four different apps to check driver stability and update need. I've run Windows Update and have nothing left to update. I have also rolled back to previous audio drivers and had no success. I have no idea what further I could do. No idea what could even be causing this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

It was asked at Reddit, so I'll make sure to notify here: I should have noted I have set my speakers as my default device, I even went as far as completely disabling all other devices except my speakers. The issue is not which device is defaulting, but that in certain applications, the default speakers just aren't receiving sound from the application/game at all. Nothing is coming out. Here is my current Sound setup:

Any help is GREATLY appreciated in this matter.

I would say I have moderate to strong computer knowledge and skills. So fire away.


Jan 18, 2015
Sorry for the delay, it didn't update me in email.

My previous setup was the HANNS-G which was straight HDMI with another using DVI. I removed the DVI and put the HANNS-G to the right with DVI to HDMI cable. Then the ASUS became my primary with HDMI. Upon turning on the PC for the first time in this new setup, I had substantial speaker problems. Did everything I outlined above, but only solved the primary audio problem and not the issue I'm getting with WMP and some games. Both monitors have working audio through their respective HDMI cables. If I switch one of them to primary, the audio works, but as you know with speakers on monitors... it's awful. At this point, I just can't figure out why these games don't recognize my Realtek board / driver at all.

I couldn't figure out exactly what you were asking, so I elaborated as much as I could.


Nov 22, 2014

Can you use only dvi input and output as your connection to the monitor? Do you need to incorporate HDMI? Maybe the monitor's driver expects HDMI to be the primary input when used? I'm sorry I can't be of more help, I haven't seen this sort of problem before and can't find much online that was helpful.


Jan 18, 2015

No worries. It's got me just as stumped as you, I'm sure. It has nothing to do with which output is primary. For example... I opened up a movie in VLC, there was no audio whatsoever. In the Audio tab I went to select the devices. It had [Default] selected which is my speakers which are connected to the Realtek onboard. I changed it to my monitor, bam, all of a sudden I can hear the audio.

This only happens in select games so far, Dragon Age Inq, Saints Row, Path of Exile... and when using VLC and WMP. My normal, every day, audio files I can hear just fine. I don't know if it's application based, or if something I installed in the previous weeks caused one of my drivers to act up with certain games/apps. It's incredibly frustrating though, because it's a guessing game as to which apps will work and which won't.


Jan 18, 2015
So I read on the Shining Rock Software Forums (not sure what this forum is for, but I think it's a game) about people having a similar issue with their game. One of the users, and possibly a developer, advised he thought it was an issue with the DirectX Redistributables. They linked the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) from the Windows web site. I downloaded and installed them, as many users claimed it fixed their issues. It did nothing for this particular case. I've seen no other issues on related forums to the games I am having trouble with.

It would seem some driver / app / software is causing this issue with other applications. I have no idea how to route it out.


Jan 18, 2015
So I took it upon myself to just purchase an audio card designed for gaming. Went with the Asus DG 5.1, which so far has proven exceptional. It's fixed all the problems I've had and I just went in and completely disabled the Realtek card. Thanks for everyone's help. It's appreciated.