defender offline scan history


Sep 13, 2013
When I do an offline scan I get no notifications, good or bad, after the scan completes. If I look at "Scan History" / "Last Scan" the scan described is my last auto scan, not the offline one I just did. Neither are there any messages in the event log, other than Windows saying the next boot will be an offline scan (which it did). Is this normal behavior?

I'm thinking the offline scan is done outside of Windows, so it doesn't have access to the normal notification and event logging services, so I shouldn't expect any feedback. But I just want make sure that theory is correct.

Here's what happens in detail:
a) I ask for an offline scan.
b) The machine reboots.
c) I see the scan progress bar (on my 2ndary monitor for some reason).
d) After the progress bar reaches 95% the machine just reboots --no pausing or prompting to let me see that it's done, and I'm left in the situation I described in the 1st paragraph.

Is this how it's supposed to work?
I don't use defender so mine has no logs. I prefer to use a AV I can control a bit more and one that doesn't decide it wants to use 30% of my CPU when it feels like it.

You might be better off with one of the other AV like Bitdefender Free
there should be a log entry for it...

Windows Defender adds entries to the Event Viewer in the following location:

Event Viewer >> Applications and Services Logs >> Microsoft >> Windows >> Windows Defender >> Operational

Where you'll see:
Windows Defender scan has started. (Event ID 1000)
Windows Defender scan has finished. (Event ID 1001)
Windows Defender signature version has been updated. (2000)

Well, if you actually do an offline scan those messages are slightly different... and you don't get any type of "finished" log entry. It doesn't exactly boost one's confidence.