defrag/optimization programs for 2k


Dec 31, 2007
I just installed Win 2000 pro on my juicy p2-300 (LX mobo)
was sooo sick of 98
a few questions.... i read the posts on makeing 2k boot faster, and im a big fan of norton utilites
which version of norton utilities works with 2K?
or is there something better for optimization of the hard drive/registry/bootup etc running with 256mb ram,32speed cd, and two ibm drives, 16.8 & 40gig 60gxp
what are the best settings for the swapfile, hard drive and cddrive vcache?
thanx in advance,
the Poo!

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you have created"~Darth Vader, Star wars
Utilities 2001 will work with windows 2000. For the swap file I generally double the size of my ram and put it on a seperate partition.
I use diskeeper. Win2k comes with a 'lite' version, which is better than nothing, but otherwise worthless. The full version gives some extra options (boot-time defrag.), and works a little faster.
I use 'Ontrack system suite"
from ontrack
has lots of options for tuning the PC also.