Delete roaming profiles


Sep 10, 2003
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?)

I've disabled the relevant settings in the GPO to stop Roaming Profiles from deleting on logout but they still keep deleting. Does anyone know which settings should be disabled/not configured to stop this from happening.

I'm running Windows 2000 server by the way.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?)

Are these users members of the Guests group (local or domain)? If they are
then the profile will be deleted when the users logoff.
165398 Profiles for Members of Guests Group Are Deleted

Also to see if DeleteRoamingCache is located at the following registry
location, if it is then it can be deleted:
HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\winlogon
This is where NT4 policies would have put the setting.

With the disabling of the policy DeleteRoamingCache should not be at this
location either.

Hope that helps! If not then we could see the output from a "gpresult /v"
from the machine.

Gary Mudgett, MCSE, MCSA
Windows 2000/2003 Directory Services

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"Steve" <> wrote in message
> I've disabled the relevant settings in the GPO to stop Roaming Profiles
from deleting on logout but they still keep deleting. Does anyone know
which settings should be disabled/not configured to stop this from
> I'm running Windows 2000 server by the way.
> Thanks.
> Steve