Dell CPU cooler question

Feb 19, 2016
Hello, I have a dell optiplex 380 and I really like the CPU cooler and I wondered if there was a way I could mount it in an ATX case on an ATX mobo because, as you may know, the cooler is BTX. I understand that this may require some modification but I wouldn't know exactly what this would involve. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,
The problem with prebuild PC makers like DELL is that their Motherboards, Cases, and in this instance CPU coolers are usually custom design. You'll run into several issues trying to reuse the cooler. 1. The fan cover is held on by inserts in the case that are not standard and you'll have to find another way to mount it in the new case. 2. The CPU cooler it self was held in with only 2 non standard screws that'll you'll need inserts for and may not match up with the pre existing holes in ATX boards. Another issue is the cooler is so large that it may not fit on todays boards without interfering with the RAM slots. Your CPU is actually turned to the side and near the edge of the board to prevent that very issue. The heat sink is a pretty basic one that looks off the shelf and placed into a shroud. CPU cooling has come a long way and you can get a great air cooler for $30 now.

Yeah I've taken that PC completely apart before and I'm very aware of the layout. I just wondered if I would somehow be able to put it in an ATX case on an ATX board by doing some modifications