Dell GX270 work with ATI Radeon 9600 Pro video card?


May 18, 2015
OK, so I seen on the Dell forum someone posted here:

That the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro will work with the GX270 so I ordered it from Amazon, but they sent me the 9600 instead.

However, looking at pictures of the 9800 online it looks like it wouldn't work with my GX270, but the 9600 fits perfect the PC and the card turn on.

The issue is I'm not getting any picture at all on my monitor.

Any suggestions would help allot.

How do I do that?

Soon as the card is in the monitor won't come on so it would have to be done before the card is inserted.
boot it with out the card, and enter the BIOS spam delete, if that fails try escape, or F12. once in, go to PCIE info, or something of the sort, or video, and be sure to enable all PCIE slots that you are using, and then set it to use dedicated card /PCIE when ever it is present.

I checked it and it was already set on enabled.

It doesn't seem like this will work.