Dell Inspirion 15 3000, ghost touch preventing access to session

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Dec 19, 2015
I had disabled the touch screen to correct the problem, but an update just resurrected my driver and options. Now the ghost touch is preventing me to enter my password. I cannot enter my session and thus turn off the touch screen driver again.

Ghost touch : The screen register two touch point or imaginary fingers on the bottom that are clicking like a crazy turbo B button.

Cleaning has done nothing.
On/off button to reset does not seems to help.
Unplugged battery for 10 minutes then tries again. Still the ghost touch persist.
What do I have to do now?
Also tried the windows + "x". Does not seems to be working from the password screen...
As for the first solution there, as I understand it, I would have to be inside a session right?

I'm trying to find a way around this... The ghost touch is blocking my ability to enter my password.
If I succeed in opening the text cell to enter my password, the touch keyboard also appears on screen, then the bug consistently proceed to tap the spacebar franctically.
Got the computer to the shop. They send it back to dell for a change of hardware.
We got it back with a new screen and a few others modification. Everything seems fine for now.
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