I'm wanting to upgrade the graphics card in my Dell Inspiron 560, it's just over 2 years old and currently has a ATI Radeon HD 5450 which came with it, 6GB RAM and Pentium Dual Core E5500 2.80ghz not that great but I don't want to be upgrading that as i'll be getting a new pc soon.
The games that are played on it are The Sims 3 with all EP's, WoW, Diablo 3, and Guild Wars 2. The Sims at the moment plays with pretty much all settings on high. WoW most settings are at about medium but i'd like them to be at least high not so bothered about maxing it out completely. Same with Gw2 i'd like to at least play that with high settings as at the moment it seems to lag a little. Also wanting to play Skyrim and i'm pretty sure the current card will have some trouble with it.
I've been looking at this one, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sapphire-Radeon-HD7750-Graphics-GDDR5/dp/B00761YFPW/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1360771839&sr=1-1
I don't know if it'll work with my pc a few people i've asked said it should be fine but the thing i'm worried about is my PSU and if it's good enough for it, I think it might be 300w but not sure. So, will this card run on my pc? And improve the games?
The games that are played on it are The Sims 3 with all EP's, WoW, Diablo 3, and Guild Wars 2. The Sims at the moment plays with pretty much all settings on high. WoW most settings are at about medium but i'd like them to be at least high not so bothered about maxing it out completely. Same with Gw2 i'd like to at least play that with high settings as at the moment it seems to lag a little. Also wanting to play Skyrim and i'm pretty sure the current card will have some trouble with it.
I've been looking at this one, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sapphire-Radeon-HD7750-Graphics-GDDR5/dp/B00761YFPW/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1360771839&sr=1-1
I don't know if it'll work with my pc a few people i've asked said it should be fine but the thing i'm worried about is my PSU and if it's good enough for it, I think it might be 300w but not sure. So, will this card run on my pc? And improve the games?