Yeah, but there are no business laptops that comes with a nVidia GTX 960m GPU.
As for the OP's question, the difference between the 7559 and i7559 is the storage. The 7559 comes with a 256GB m.2 SATA SSD. The i7559 comes with a 1TB HDD and an 8GB SSD cache.
In general, reviews for the Dell Inspiron 15 7559 series have been pretty good. There are no real complaints about overheating issues. Negative comments generally focus on the keyboard which is really average for a consumer laptop... meaning it feels a bit mushy to me compared to using the keyboard on a business laptop like the ThinkPad series (which arguably has the best keyboard). Most of the complaints centers around the mousepad / trackpad though from what I can tell. The mousepad seems fine to me, but then again I primarily use a mouse with all laptops so I do not really use the mousepad on my Dell Inspiron 15 7559 very much.
Upgrading the laptop is easy. There is a single screw that holds the underside panel in place. Once it has been removed you will have access to the entire innards of the laptop. I installed an additional 8GB stick of RAM and a 1TB HDD in less than 1 minute... looking back on it I should have spent an extra $30 - $40 to get a 2TB HDD... But no matter, the 1TB HDD is temporary. I actually want to install a 2TB 2.5" SATA SSD, but I will wait until the drops to around $350.
Overall, I am pretty happy with my Dell Inspiron 15 7559.