Dell Launches Super Slim $450 Vostro V13

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Baseline unit includes the Celeron, and sizable 250GB hdd but no camera or Windows- just Linux.

Step up to the higher end with the webcam, 320GB hdd, Core 2 Solo and Windows 7 Pro for $600- still a pretty good deal. Sure beats Apple's "Air" for what, half the price?
But what does it weigh? That's a big factor in that size range. If it's heavy then might as well get a 14" or 15" machine instead. Next critical point is the battery life, and other Dells aren't competitive in that area with their better 13" competitors.

There are a good number of light 13" machines on the market now, including the Vostro 1320. I've been looking at the Toshiba T135 and ASUS UL30 myself. HP and Lenovo both make similar machines too. BestBuy has the Toshiba with dual core processor and good specs elsewhere for $550.
i want it to be half inch thin and has 2 SSDs SLI graphic cards and cooling system which is 3 inch thin:))))

People, you can't have all... at least not now yet
Maybe in 4-5 years, we will get there. Do not rush please
I'm not sure why people keep bringing up Apple products? If you don't like them don't mention them or buy them. Or do people secretly love Apple products, but sneer at them in public? How many iPods do you own?

The starting weight according to the Dell website is 3.5lbs. It also comes with a LED LCD, max resolution 1366x768, Bluetooth 2.1 Standard
Uber-thin = uber-impractical!!!

Puny battery life from a pencil-thin battery, no dedicated GPU, low-end C2D...

People need to realize that thin does not mean small, it means compromise! There are much better 13" notebooks out there with better CPU, dedicated GPU and better battery life.

For $450, I'd rather get a more compact 10" netbook with 9-hour battery than this fancy trash.
I'm not even looking at laptops until the Arrandale chips hit the market. Why buy something that's going to be obsolete in 2 months?
[citation][nom]stfuad[/nom]I'm not sure why people keep bringing up Apple products? If you don't like them don't mention them or buy them. Or do people secretly love Apple products, but sneer at them in public? How many iPods do you own?The starting weight according to the Dell website is 3.5lbs. It also comes with a LED LCD, max resolution 1366x768, Bluetooth 2.1 Standard[/citation]

I only brought it up as a comparison, the MacBook Air is currently the most popularized of all uber-thin laptops, I only compared because of the price. This new Dell looks promising for the price, something that Apple refuses to compete on. And while I own 4 iPods, and Apple TV and a Mac Mini, I think that the other macs are bit too pricey.

Good on Dell for something thats' stylish, affordable, and offers a decent value at that razor thin size.
With the C2D, I don't think thats actually a bad road-warrior. No games, no graphics, but at least it has some functionality, unlike most netbooks.
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