I tried disconnecting power from all but motherboard, same symptoms - blinking amber power button, fan on, solid amber "aux power" light on mother board.
Is there an easy way to narrow down to a possible power supply issue? Or.......?
When I encountered this the issue was that the computer was in a standby mode. Depressing the power button restarted it.
That's if it is blinking green and I'm sure he has tried unplugged the PC (which would then erase the standby mode) and turn on just fine after plugging it back it. Its a PSU or Motherboard issues. Amber lights on Dell's is NOT a good sign.
Its either PSU or Motherboard. Most likely a PSU issue. Most of the dell's with blinking amber lights that I have fixed where PSU. There are a few where it was the motherboard that was the issue, but if you swap out the PSU, and you still get the amber light most likely a motherboard issue.
When I encountered this the issue was that the computer was in a standby mode. Depressing the power button restarted it.
That's if it is blinking green and I'm sure he has tried unplugged the PC (which would then erase the standby mode) and turn on just fine after plugging it back it. Its a PSU or Motherboard issues. Amber lights on Dell's is NOT a good sign.