Dell Precision m6600 laptop is freezing

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Jan 22, 2014

Hopefully someone out there can help, and sooner than later.

I have a customer at my shop that brought in a Dell M6600 laptop with windows 7 isntalled.

Originally when we diagnosed it, it had a bad solid state drive, we replaced it with a Samsung Evo 850, re-installed windows, and installed Microsoft office with Microsoft accounting, and lastly outlook. We also transferred his data and loading into each program.

He brought the computer back because it is receiving several issues after the clean install. First the computer is freezing after about two hours of idle running. Also, the touchpad becomes jumpy after a little bit of use. The customer also has an issue with itunes being unable to install. we tried reinstalling windows on a new SSD and the customer is having the same issues.

All the drivers are installed and windows is completely up to date.

Please offer suggestions as soon as possible.

I'm in the process of doing that right now. Hopefully no issues after.

UPDATE: Firmware was already up to date

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