i have played with one, and its very sexy. Has a rubbery feel, 2 HD and 1 solid state, and runs super fast. The model I toyed with had 16GB ram, and runs Win 8 like its a child's toy. USB 3.0 and had almost a TB of storage space. The monitor is super clear and I kept for getting that it was touch and when I would point stuff out and touch the monitor it would move. It also flips and closes to be almost like a tablet.
I didn't like the touch pad, due to the surrounding rubber coating is seems to make touch a weird thing, but I have big hands and no touch pad usually feels right to me.
The screen even though a bunch of people touched it, was still nice and clear, unlike Dells XPS tablets. Responded better also.
This model was heavier than most computers and you have a bigger power supply to charge it so the little old school ones will not work on it.
Overall I want it. I played a game and opened 10 tabs in IE and 7 or 8 applications and it didn't even blink at me.