Dell Studio 1558 Upgrades?

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Jan 20, 2019
My dell studio 1558 i5-520m ATI Mobility 4570 is 9yrs old, and out of warranty. I'm looking to do some upgrades to possibly extend it's lifespan. After browsing several forums, I've concluded that I am able to do basic upgrades regarding ram modules, and ssd. However, that is not enough for me. I'm looking at upgrading the processor to an appropriate gen i7(720 or 740qm), mobo to support it(CN-04DKNR?) ATI Mobility Radeon 5470, and then RAM, and SSD. Is this possible? It is completely torn down at the moment, and I'm trying to compose a shopping list. Please assist as my latest chat session with the DE(VI)LL support ended in the advisor trying to upsell me on newer products, and not truly answering my queries. I do not wish to trash my laptop as it has served my basic necessities for years. Thanks for your time!


Edit: please disregard my previous post as I am past the troubleshooting phase.
The parts you are going to buy would equal a working newer system. Dell will not get you anything on what will run in that system since it will require them going back to some engineer that knows about it, they are not going to look for them tie up up some guy that makes $50 an hour to research a 9 year old computer. Look online for what CPUs and video cards that model was available with, you should be safe to get those. But really upgrading laptops is a no-win thing, parts are hard to find, may be faulty, and speed boost is not enough to spend time and money on it.
Thanks for the response again! I've been doing my due diligence in online research. So, if it truly is a no win situation, perhaps I should just look at replacing the parts I already have not upgrading them. I was only curious as I came across a vid where a guy upgraded his 1558 i3 to an i7-720qm. I figured it was possible, but didn't know the actual specifics that were involved. Couldn't I at least replace the i5 with another of the same specs, and get comparable RAM modules? I've already got a used/refurbished CGY2Y board coming, because I believe I must have inadvertently overheated my mobo, thereby causing my no boot issue that I previously stated. It did have issues previously with video playback, but everything else was functioning properly. Wasn't until recently that it finally would have no display, but it would power on the cooler, and keyboard. Just refused to boot. I checked the display by holding the D key, and it ran through the RGB no problem. I have my original build list from when I ordered back in October 2010, but it doesn't really go into technical details. Thanks again!


Why would you bother replacing the parts with the same thing? If system is dead, it's time to replace it not buy old parts to re-do an old system to the same specs it had. If you were dating some ugly drunken woman who stole stuff, when you left her would you say "well you know I was with my ugly drunken thief for a long time, I think I'll find another one just like her".
Or maybe it is possible that I fried the GPU, and my board is still good? I had some serious dust furries in the fan, and radiator fins which has been resolved. I'm unsure of whether the gpu is integrated with the CPU, or is it the one with the ATI stamped on the mobo?
Ha ha! Yes, that is something that crossed my mind already. I get what you're saying, but am only doing this for the experience/learning aspect. I currently have an AMD 2700x, mobo, psu, and ram waiting for additional parts to build a decent desktop. This is just something I was interested in while waiting.

Tough to know what is wrong if it won't work, without replacing parts. If it's totally dead the most likely thing is motherboard, CPUs don't fail as much. If it's a video card issue is should turn on at least a bit but maybe show no display.
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