Dell UltraSharp U2414H - Refurbished? Thoughts?


Dec 25, 2013
Hey everyone so I am very close to buying my monitors and originally liked the Dell S2415H which is a an awesome monitor but I needed a Matte screen and I found a identical model for about 100 dollars more which is the Dell U2414H This is the Matte version which is the is like 100 dollars more expensive for whatever reason but I am not looking to pay almost 300 dollars for 1 monitor when I need a dual setup.

This thread is about the refurbished listing on Amazon @ $150 or so.... How reliable are refurbished models? I mean there really isn't much on the description side was is tossed out a window and has a bunch of nicks and cracks but works? was it just a minor thing they fixed and it's like new but refurbished by manufacturer? I would love some feedback on a refurb'd monitor in general and should I trust it?

anyhow... If I can't I am stuck going with the AOC IPS 23" model with a matte screen which is a nice monitor too but some reason stuck on these dell's haha.

thanks for the replies.

Multiple people should be able to get credit for a thread. Each thread should be worth 5 points, the OP gets to assign 3 points to one or multiple users while the other 2 are voted on by everyone in the thread.
I have the Dell U2414H. I bought it because I needed the color accuracy as a Graphic Designer. It's a great monitor. I game on it almost everyday. I'm personally in the market for a higher rez monitor, because I design less and game more, but I have no complaints. Menu is easy to use. Rotating it for web use is hilariously too much web to view. I kinda always wanted to get 2 more and have all three set vertical, for scientific purposes of course. The matte isn't all it's cracked up to be though. I prefer not to use the monitor in daylight. Instead of clear reflections of maybe a person or a window behind me (I have a glossy laptop) the Matte screen fuzzes the glare, making the whole screen appear grayed out. Also, it's not an IPS monitor, so adjusting it is crucial to viewing angles. It does let me cheat some games when they get really dark, because if I sit up, it brightens the picture (albeit washes out the color).
some don't actually say who refurbished the units but some do say Dell Refurbished and some other Certified Dell Refurbished etc... Hard to actually know if it's legit though I mean anyone could say yea of course manufacturer refurbished...

@ Joshyboy I overlooked the fact that this screen was not an IPS Panel omg! fudge!!!!!!! this is a sad day 😛 well not really but still disappointing.

I guess I am gonna stick with the AOC model it's IPS, Matte screen and pretty sleek overall but thanks for the replies guys, this was very helpful

Sooo..... I was just on Dell's website and just so you know it actually is an IPS Monitor, even confirmed it on Amazons site :) not sure if it might be a monitor problem but I gotta go watch some reviews on this thing and thanks Thor for the imput
I just looked myself, I'm using the U2411H. I screwed up, by one number, but a crucial number. I'll unselect BEST ANSWER. You deserve better. In my excuse, I was in my bed, not at my desktop when I posted that. See what laziness get people? MISTAKES WERE MADE! I'm sorry man.

No problem.

Multiple people should be able to get credit for a thread. Each thread should be worth 5 points, the OP gets to assign 3 points to one or multiple users while the other 2 are voted on by everyone in the thread.

I totally agree with the multiple people should be able to get a credit for a thread since there are usually at least a couple of great responses... I don't know what It even does but I usually use the arrow and up? everyone's post in my threads i dont know if it gives them rep or what but I do it because it's there. Just did it again and it's voting on a response so i guess it's there? but i dont think anyone actually uses it

And it's cool JoshyBoy82 I havent yet pulled the trigger on anything yet so no harm no foul 😛 and seeing as there were just two of you overall in this thread ill just set up Thor with best answer.

Thanks again to both of ya but yea it be nice to get the voting of other users into play besides the op's choice that be cool.

Everyone usually does on the looks of things haha...

Well here's an update : Feeling very stoked about this purchase but I just bought two U2414H Monitors for my upcoming dual setup :) I was gonna go with the S2415H but the gloss kills it for me or the matte Aoc model but I just decided this is a one time purchase right now and the monitors I think are going to last me a pretty long time so here's hoping :)

I get the monitors on the 26th or the 27th... can't wait

Nice! yea man the warranty it comes with is like 3 years for the panel or something like that I have to double check but I can't wait for them to arrive tomorrow 😛