Dell Ultrasharp U2713h and my rig


Jun 30, 2007
Hi guys. Im building a computer. Here are my specs:

[PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant]( / [Benchmarks](

**CPU** | [Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor]( | $229.99 @ Microcenter
**CPU Cooler** | [Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler]( | $27.99 @ Newegg
**Motherboard** | [Asus P8Z77-V ATX LGA1155 Motherboard]( | $169.99 @ Amazon
**Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory]( | $94.50 @ Newegg
**Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory]( | $94.50 @ Newegg
**Storage** | [Samsung 830 Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Disk]( | $219.99 @ Newegg
**Storage** | [Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | $133.11 @ Amazon
**Video Card** | [EVGA GeForce GTX 670 4GB Video Card]( | $423.98 @ Newegg
**Case** | [Cooler Master Storm Scout 2 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case]( | $79.99 @ Newegg
**Case Fan** | [Cooler Master R4-S2S-124K-GP 44.7 CFM 120mm Fans]( | $11.99 @ Newegg
**Power Supply** | [Corsair Professional 750W 80 PLUS Silver Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply]( | $129.99 @ Newegg
**Optical Drive** | [Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer]( | $18.98 @ Outlet PC
**Operating System** | [Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)]( | $135.97 @ Outlet PC

Now, im thinking of buying a Dell Ultrasharp u2713h monitor. I'm going to use it for gaming while my wife uses it for her photography business so i think the monitor would be a good compromise for both. Will i be able to run current games at the monitors 2560 x 1440 setting with my new rig with pretty high settings? Thanks!

Yes you will be able to do so. I had a gtx 670 and it run fine and maxed out the games. However, you'll get occasional dip in fps here and there. So I suggest you drop one of the memory kits since a 16 GB ram is good enough and grab a 7970 GHz Ed or just 7970 with aftermarket cooler in order to maintain good frames and better overall performance. As for the monitor, that's an awesome monitor. I have 2 of them and I'm going to add a third one when my second GPU arrives next week. So you're set. Enjoy your new system.
Thanks for the reply. Would i have the option of dropping the game to 1080 resolution and still be able to play it on this monitor if the frame rates are low at 1400? Would it look ok?

The dip would be around 50FPS which is great for playing. I should have clarified that. So don't worry, you will get a great experience out of it. Also, I still think to really get the performance out of you games and program you have to get AMD R7970. I had ASUS GTX 670DCUII and I moved on and I don't regret it one bit. Once it comes to resolution above 1080p the extra RAM and bus width does show the strength. On top of that, you can get a 7970 GHz at the same price of a GTX 670 and the performance will be better than a GTX 680. So yes change the card if and only if you can grab a AMD R7970 card. And drop one of the memory kits, you don't need more than 16 GB for photo editing and gaming unless you plan on doing 3D applications and such.

We're talking about 2560x1440p maxed out. Mine which were ASUS GTX DCUII were great but don't compare to AMD R7970GHz or 7970 OC which beats the GTX 670 and GTX 680 hands down and is the champion for price/performance and more futureproof due to wider bus and vRAM. Sure you can get a GTX 670/680 with more vram but that doesn't make much difference unless you have a wider bus to go with it, hence the introduction of 384bit bus on Titan along with 6GB vRAM

We're talking about 2560x1440p maxed out. Mine which were ASUS GTX DCUII were great but don't compare to AMD R7970GHz or 7970 OC which beats the GTX 670 and GTX 680 hands down and is the champion for price/performance and more futureproof due to wider bus and vRAM. Sure you can get a GTX 670/680 with more vram but that doesn't make much difference unless you have a wider bus to go with it, hence the introduction of 384bit bus on Titan along with 6GB vRAM
Thanks guys. Ive never had a monitor so high def. been away from computer gaming for a while. Will i be able to play older games on this monitor at 2560 x 1440? what i mean is will they be compatible? if not then what do you do? Will the monitor stretch the game and make it look bad?

You will be able to play games, old ones, without any issues. I played Crysis (original one) but it goes only up to 1080p and full screen. It looked awesome, no distortion whatsoever. So you are set for sure. I currently use one monitor and plan to go 3 way eyefinity with my cards. I will never go back to 1080p, it's only up from here. I might even end up using just one and give the other one to family so I don't have much clutter and I can then grab a 4K monitor in three years without worrying about getting rid of 3 monitors at the same time.

So, go and get that machine. Just remember to drop one of the memory kits and save yourself some money and also, I would change that cooler to Noctua D14, much better than what you currently have picked.

I like it. I don't pay attention to the 8ms delay or anything. The pictures are crisp. It has amazing colours for sure. No ghosting at all. If you get a good card like 670/7970/680 or 7950 then you will have no issues with it whatsoever. I play at max settings and don't see any drop in FPS with my 7970GHz ed but did notice occasional drop with 670.

lol even BF3, Boderlands, MoH:W, Far Cry 3 can't be maxed out with a 670 unless you are using 1080p. 1440p is a different ball game.

I just got the game. I will wait until I get my second XFX R7970GHz Ed on Tuesday so I can take a crack at it.
Ok, so if i cant max out on those games what level can they be played at with my rig? Im trying to figure out if going to 1440p would be worth it or if i should stick to 1080p. The only reason i would want to go to 1440p would be for my wifes photography business.

You can max out the games. He pointed out crysis 3, that's an exception. I can max out all the games I have mention up there. And you are better off gaming with a 1440p and your wife will surely appreciate the extra work space that a 2560x1440 monitor provides over a 1920x1080. I had a 1080p monitor that was top of the line but I sold it and moved up and as I said, I can max out almost all the games, I haven't tried Crysis 3, and that was with a GTX 670 but sometimes the frames did drop to 50 and never lower than that and 50 FPS is good. If you were to take my suggestion and get a AMD 7970 then you will be able to max out every game. You can get one for the same price as GTX 670 even some AMD 7970GHz are on sale for $400. I got mine for tha price and it soon will be $800 spent on 2 cards that will last me a long time. I sold my 2x ASUS GTX 670 DCUII for the same price.

Go with AMD 7970/7970GHz and you will be set. Cheers!

My SLI 680's are working harder than they ever have lol, wish my CPU had more cores!

That's insane man. Looks like I am going to see the same thing when I start playing. The Ivy Bridge E can't get here soon enough for me. Darn it!