R Ryan_12 Reputable Oct 1, 2015 17 0 4,520 Oct 1, 2015 #1 Would a Sapphire AMD R9 380 Graphics Card (2 GB, PCI-E, GDDR5, 256 Bit card work on the above mother board. Its currently running a ge force gtx 650. Thanks
Would a Sapphire AMD R9 380 Graphics Card (2 GB, PCI-E, GDDR5, 256 Bit card work on the above mother board. Its currently running a ge force gtx 650. Thanks
R Ryan_12 Reputable Oct 1, 2015 17 0 4,520 Oct 1, 2015 #2 The short answer to my own question is no. PSU is only 375 w and requires 500 min. also requires 2 x PCI - E to handle 75W each. maybe after upgrading PSU but would not be worth while would be better just upgrading MOBO and chipset to match Graphics card. Upvote 0 Downvote
The short answer to my own question is no. PSU is only 375 w and requires 500 min. also requires 2 x PCI - E to handle 75W each. maybe after upgrading PSU but would not be worth while would be better just upgrading MOBO and chipset to match Graphics card.
Rogue Leader It's a trap! Moderator Dec 22, 2014 33,125 3,078 116,640 Oct 1, 2015 #3 I agree with your assessment, you could do it with a PSU upgrade but that computer overall is too slow to be worth it. Upvote 0 Downvote
I agree with your assessment, you could do it with a PSU upgrade but that computer overall is too slow to be worth it.