Dell XPS 8300 GPU Upgrade Advice


Apr 21, 2014
Hi, currently I own a Dell XPS 8300 computer and I'm wondering if someone could help me find a suitable GPU upgrade I was thinking of the EVGA GTX 960 but I'm worried about not having enough space for the card. Also if there is a better budget card I should consider please let me know, my budget is around 300CND before tax. Specs and Pictures following.

Cpu:I7 2600
GPU: Radeon 6700 Series (Can't find the actual model on card or through apps)
16GB Ram
Windows 7 64
460w psu
Motherboard: Dell 0Y2MRG (a06 Bios) I've heard some boards don't support newer cards.


The graphics card i was looking at is:

GET GTX 970 , it will fit and will work with your power supply.
Reading up on dimensions the card itself should clear. The issue would be the power supply. You're going to want decent quality 400-430.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic 400W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($40.50 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $40.50
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-05 22:52 EDT-0400

This would be a nice budget option while maintaining quality, but a beefier unit could be bought to provide future upgrade options. If that were the idea I'd look into a 520W seasonic

Dell powersupplies are good and he does not need to change his powersupply.
My mistake, I missed the power supply part at the bottom of specs

Most Dell PSUs are made by Fortron or HiPro. Both are reputable PSU makers. Dell PSUs are usually pretty decent quality and usually are rated at CONTINOUS max wattage not PEAK max wattage like many aftermarket PSUs.

Dell has recently told me that only their graphics cards are compatible with this system but I'm unsure of whether or not that is just an upsale ploy. The Motherboard is Dell oy2mrg (a06 bios), will this cause an issue in upgrading?

lol the are liars.

Not only are they liars, but they will suggest inferior products that are expensive. The GTX 970 is a good upgrade, i placed an "EVGA GeForce GTX 970 SuperClocked ACX 2.0" in my XPS 8300. I also added an "EVGA 600B 600 Watt ATX Power Supply", and I installed a "Micron 512GB SATA III 6GB/s 2.5" Solid State Drive" to act as my primary drive for OS and games. The PSU upgrade is not needed for just the GPU upgrade, but I had the extra cash and just did it anyway.