M marknader11 Reputable Nov 16, 2015 34 0 4,540 Jan 27, 2017 #1 I'm going to transfer the contents of my cps 8700 to a new case (along with a new Gpu and PSU) and was wondering if there is anything that dell does to their computers that would prevent me from doing that
I'm going to transfer the contents of my cps 8700 to a new case (along with a new Gpu and PSU) and was wondering if there is anything that dell does to their computers that would prevent me from doing that
Solution cin19 Jan 28, 2017 The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed.
The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed.
cin19 Titan Mar 14, 2011 15,722 217 112,340 Jan 28, 2017 Solution #2 The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed.
M marknader11 Reputable Nov 16, 2015 34 0 4,540 Jan 28, 2017 #3 cin19 : The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed. But my current case has usb 3.0 and its running just fine Upvote 0 Downvote
cin19 : The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed. But my current case has usb 3.0 and its running just fine
cin19 Titan Mar 14, 2011 15,722 217 112,340 Jan 29, 2017 #4 marknader11 : cin19 : The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed. But my current case has usb 3.0 and its running just fine I don't check your PC specifications, I thought it does not have the USB3.0, very sorry. Then you are fine. Upvote 0 Downvote
marknader11 : cin19 : The xps 8700 MB is the micro atx format. http://76.my/Malaysia/dell-xps-8700-socket-1150-motherboard-intel-z87-kwvt8-dz87m01-gy0530-beginner28-1509-03-beginner28@11.jpg You can move it into other atx case, but make sure you take the note on the front pannel connectors, otherwise if you mixup them the PC will not boot, it is this https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._82wKWXZ2aYCPgkivtkAxQEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=289&h=163 If the case has USB3.0 port, you need to buy an adapter like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812162025&cm_re=usb_3.0_to_use2.0_adapter-_-12-162-025-_-Product And keep in mind the front USB3.0 port will run at the USB2.0 speed. But my current case has usb 3.0 and its running just fine I don't check your PC specifications, I thought it does not have the USB3.0, very sorry. Then you are fine.