Question Deskmat size question


Jun 11, 2008
I am looking for my first mat that is big enough for my keyboard and mouse. What size should I be looking for? I have my desktop in a few different locations throughout the year, so measuring the location itself isn't really useful.

I love how you elided units. Don't ever change.

Or do, and instead of a 3D printer have a bunch of chains under the mousemat that are shot through pilots in rafters, then grab your skin away from arteries with hooks for that Obsolete Human Suspensions / Cenobite thing.
I'm not sure what elided is...but the thread mentions these...

Is that 16" x 36"?
And these
17 to 18 inches wide.
And these
Add 12 inches for a mouse on
And these
about 30" wide?

I love how your reading skills are below that of my eighth grade students.

Happy Thanksgiving!