Desktop freezes after startup but cursor moves


Mar 25, 2015
I am having some issues these past few days. Ill make a list of all the things that have happend in the order they occured.

1. Bought a new motherboard, cpu, and ram few weeks ago. Installation went smoothly

2. Windows 10 deactivated do to the massive hardware change.

3. Had to contact microsoft and have them help me activate windows again since their step by step was not working for me.

4. Microsoft agent tried to do remote access to my pc so he could do his magic. Remote system control failed everytime. Tried loading through firefox, microsoft edge, windows explorer and chrome as well as through the system config. Eventually after 2 hours, they gave me a new windows key since,remote access wasnt working.

5. One or two days later i had blue screen. Stop code: memory management.

6. Today i wake my pc up from sleep and i have norton security notification on my screen asking to do a eraser tool (forget what its called) due to some suspicious trafficing. But my pc was froze completely other than my animated wallpaper. My animated wallpaper was doing its thing ( sun and earth rotating) but taskbar, icons, everything was unresponsive. Did a reboot.

7. Started windows fine and everything loaded fine BUT "steam" didnt log me in. Instead it loaded log in screen. I logged in, made sure "remember me" was checked. Few minutes later pc froze again. Did another reboot.

8. Same thing happend....steam asked for login info, pc freezes few minutes later while in firefox searching for answers. Did a reboot

9. Again, same as above, but this time while running norton.

I should also point out that crl + alt + del did not load task manager anytime nor have i recieved a "not responding" from any program. Steam never askes for login info and always has my info saved, not sure why its not saving login info. Also, i tried just not,loading steam and still have issues so i know its not steam.

Virus? Memory? Disk drive? Aliens?
Question from AnsonMyPants : "Pc freezes on desktop shortly after startup but can move cursor"

Question from AnsonMyPants : "Pc freezes few mintues after startup + blue screen"

Just tested ram. I think we can rule out that it is ram issue. Tried each stick on its own and i still had issue. Put in my older ram (the ram i just replaced) and same thing occured.
I cant believe i forgot to list my hardware. Here,it goes:

Msi 970 gaming motherboard
2x 8gb gskill ripjaws. Ddr3 1866
Amd fx 8350 4.0ghz black edition
Pny gtx 1060 6gb gpu
Windows 10 home
Corsair cx750m psu
Ssd kingston hyper x 250gb
Hdd (forget brand) 1tb sata 6.0 gb/s
I ran a quick scan yesterday with 0 errors. i tried running my norton full system scan but it freezes like everything else. This happens,without fail everytime i boot my pc after 2 to 3min in. No matter what i do, either,it he internet use, antivirus scans or looking through steam store or by just hovering over my icons on my desktop. Wierd thing is i can,still move my cursor. When the desktop freezes my cursor will change when hovering over different things. When hovering,over the taskbar or the top bar on brower it is the blue spinning circle. When hovering on a browser page or,desktop background/wallpaper this the arrow. And when at the edge of a page, its the two arrows for the change page size