Desktop makes 'sizzle' noise when playing Fallout 4


Dec 19, 2013
I know it isn't the games audio or my display by turning down the master audio and hearing this noise coming directly from the tower. It only makes the noise when I have Fallout 4 playing ON THE SCREEN. As soon as I ATL/TAB out, the noise stops. Any ideas?
if it not coil whine..look up a few google videos see if it sounds like it. if not there a bad cap in your rig and it leaking that the sound of a bad cap. if your rig a few years old and has a stock power supply it may be a cap in the power supply or one on the gpu.
if it not coil whine..look up a few google videos see if it sounds like it. if not there a bad cap in your rig and it leaking that the sound of a bad cap. if your rig a few years old and has a stock power supply it may be a cap in the power supply or one on the gpu.