Desktop or laptop?


Apr 7, 2014
Hi people ! :)
I am going to university soon and i can not decide whether to go for a desktop pc or a laptop?
What do you guys think?

I want the system to be able to program well in Java and C and also possibly be able to run unity and game developing tools well and also to be able to game on :)

If you guys think a desktop is better then could you please give me a list of parts which could build a good pc for gaming, programming etc (keeping the price as low as possible 😉 )

But if you guys think a laptop will be the better solution could you possibly suggest any laptops which are out there which will suit my needs?

Thanks guys, i will be happy to answer any questions which you may have :)
Many thanks
Will you need the portability? Probably.

A good solution might be a good desktop, and a very inexpensive laptop for taking notes on the go.
A laptop good enough to game with will be very expensive.
If you want performance, cost, flexibility, and pretty much everything else other than portability then you want a desktop.

If you want to trade all of that for portability because you need portability, then a laptop is the way to go.

If you have the budget you might want to look at a super cheap laptop/tablet for on the go, and a decently powered desktop for your main rig. It would be hard to get 2 fairly decent rigs in a really low budget though, so it all depends on what the limits are.