Desktop right click not working

In the Mouse Properties
Checked the "Switch primary and secondary buttons" and then unchecked it. See if its working. If not then try this.
1. Download CCleaner by Piriform (free) CCleaner - Free Download - Piriform
2. Start CCleaner
3. Then Tools (left hand menu)
4. Then Context Menu (top right)
5. This will populate and give you a list of shell.dll files
6. Then disabled the file: BTMSentToExt (Intel Corporation)

In the Mouse Properties
Checked the "Switch primary and secondary buttons" and then unchecked it. See if its working. If not then try this.
1. Download CCleaner by Piriform (free) CCleaner - Free Download - Piriform
2. Start CCleaner
3. Then Tools (left hand menu)
4. Then Context Menu (top right)
5. This will populate and give you a list of shell.dll files
6. Then disabled the file: BTMSentToExt (Intel Corporation)
