Desktop Screen Flickering


Mar 14, 2014
As I have mentioned in my title, I am experiencing flickering desktop. Especially when I am in Chrome and sometimes when playing games. It just recently happened, about a week ago. I was browsing through Chrome when suddenly the screen flickers. Question is, is it my PSU or is it my GPU which is causing the problem?

My build;
Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 6770 Graphics Card
Gigabyte GA-970A-D3 Motherboard
Corsair 8GB Vengeance
Cooler Master Elite 460W
Kingston HyperX 120GB SSD
Seagate 1TB Hard Disk Drive (2 in the drive bay)
Samsung SuperWriter DVD-RW Drive

Please help me. It is annoying and I have read that a failing PSU can cause mobos and hdds to fail altogether. And also in my country its the lunar new year, which means people are on holiday from tomorrow onwards. I can purchase tomorrow, as it is the last day for most shops to open. My Windows 7 is also booting slow suddenly, as I am using my SSD as primary, it usually boots in seconds, now its like 1minute. I once switched off my PC and plugged out my GPU power and plugged it back, as my mobo does not come with built in GPU, and switched it back on, it worked fine for the night. After that the next day, same thing happened. I also switch off my PC when i go to work in the morning and switch it on back in the evening. Is there anyway to detect a failing GPU? its temperature is pretty decent, roughly 38-42 if im not mistaken, in degree Celcius.
boot into safe mode and remove the ati video drivers..reboot and reinstall the newest ati video drivers. also go to amd web page download the newest omega drivers for the mb chipset see if it a damaged chipset driver.
in the driver section of at make sure the screen refresh is set right. if your using a crt screen and not a newer led/lcd make sure your speakers or anything with a magnetic field not close or you get screen roll. if your using a led/lcd use the system reset on the monitor make sure the screen itself is fine. if it still rolls connect the screen to another video sorce see if it rolls. try another monitor on your pc. last issue is bent pins or broken...
boot into safe mode and remove the ati video drivers..reboot and reinstall the newest ati video drivers. also go to amd web page download the newest omega drivers for the mb chipset see if it a damaged chipset driver.
in the driver section of at make sure the screen refresh is set right. if your using a crt screen and not a newer led/lcd make sure your speakers or anything with a magnetic field not close or you get screen roll. if your using a led/lcd use the system reset on the monitor make sure the screen itself is fine. if it still rolls connect the screen to another video sorce see if it rolls. try another monitor on your pc. last issue is bent pins or broken wires on the monitor cable. if it not the cable and the monitor roll on another pc then inside the monitor the power supply may be failing.
Hm. I do not think any of that is the issue. I am using an LED screen, and my speaker has been next to my LED screen for 2years now without any interferences. And also, my AMD Catalyst Drivers are Omega. I have re-downloaded it the second I know the Omega are released, and also because of AMD Gaming Evolved application. I do not think that its the pins or what so ever, because i have been using it for 2years without any issues. And now surprisingly its not flickering. Could it be a sign of a dying PSU? If it is I am prepared to buy it tomorrow as I am worried that it will damage my Hard Drives. I have also checked my GPU's BIOS version and its all up to date. Btw, how do I check for damaged chipset with Omega? I cant seem to find the Omega.exe. lol. I can access through AMD Catalyst, which says my drivers are up to date and when I check Device Manager it says my Card is working fine. Aihs.. So many issues and I think the best solution is to buy a damn new PSU. I think my PSU is the one causing so many problems. @.@
Hi smorizio,

I have downloaded and installed it, what do i do now? Everything seems fine. And yesterday I encountered a display driver error (if I am not mistaken) which AMD recovered from. Does that mean my software is causing the problem? Because I was playing World of Tanks and suddenly my screen turned pink. My music is still playing but my keyboard and mouse is not functioning. I restarted my PC and everything went fine.

Thank you. :)

If I were to purchase a PSU, is the Corsair RM650 over power for my currently 373W needed PC? I have used the Cooler Master PSU Calculator but its not full, as I have an SSD, 2 HDDs, 2 Fans, a GPU (R7 260x 2GB OC-yet to purchase) and multiple cables to multiple external accessories. I will also be upgrading my CPU to FX8000series, somewhere this year, maybe.

Comments, suggestions and opinions are all welcomed. Thank you.