desktop wont connect


Jun 20, 2013
Hello guys i have hp pavillion a600 for years now but today when i came and tried to open it it wont connnect to the monitor while the desktop is on! And btw i didnt even change anything
I tried removing everything and pressing the on button for 30 sec and it didnt work
Any help will be really appreciated .
Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Monitor could be dead, computer could be dead, if you have an add-one video card the card could be dead.

Try the monitor with another computer, and try the computer with another monitor. That will tell you which part is not working. Does the computer turn on OK? Lights up, drive makes noise? Could be the power supply or the motherboard if the computer does not work. Or only the video card.

Tried the desktop with another monitor and it gave no signal also everything is working fine except that the mouse and keyboard wont turn on


Don't know how you can tell if ANYTHING is woking if you have no signal on the video and mouse and keyboard are dead. Sounds like NOTHING is working. Try resetting the BIOS (unplg from wall power, remove the CMOS battery for about 15 secods). Also try reseating the RAM, maybe try new RAM. If that does not help, you need to try a new power supply and maybe a new motherboard.

May not be worth doing the work and just get a new(er) system.


Ty much for help i really appreciate it i will send my comp to some techinican and see what the problem is soz for any grammar :/

You will likely end up paying as much for a fix as you would for a new computer once you add in labor costs if they need to replace the motherboard.