missjustinel :
How do you flip it off? The people I took it to to diagnose completely manhandled the poor thing. Half the wires were unplugged. I can't post a picture, I have no camera on my phone or kindle. So thay sucks.
There might be a switch in back of it, I and O
When they diagnosed it, did they say there were any problems with it? If not, something musn't be plugged it properly.
In the top right corner, that's the CPU 4 pin connector.
In the bottom right corner, that's the motherboard 24 pin.
In the bottom, that's IDE (for older hard drives and DVD drivers)
In the bottom left corner, that's the SATA ports for more newer hard drivers.
The 4pin and 24pin are necessary for the PC to power on.
You might have this behind your power supply (in back of PC) :
One last thing to check is if you've plugged your front panel connectors, refer to the motherboard manuel on how to plug them. If they aren't plugged, your front power button won't turn on the computer since it's not connected to anything. Try search front panel in your motherboard manuel and look for the corresponding cables inside your case.