News Despite controversy, Recall adds new ‘Screenray’ feature, which analyzes current desktop contents

It will not be enough stay away from Windows, but also it will be necessary to stay away from other people using windows, since their laptops will be spying across their microphones and cameras, if they aren't doing it already.
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Recall is still available to Windows Insiders only, with no firm release date.


(Microsoft to its "customers") Recall has only been put on hold, it has not been fully shelved. Recall will never go away. We, Microsoft, will just build more and more into it and then cram it down your throats one day when you idiots are finally smart enough to understand our brilliance.


Microsoft is genuinely drunk on the AI kool-aid.
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it only works on a tiny number of CPU right now. I don't get the panic.

yes, I know people have got it working on other things but if MS keep adding things into it, its need for an NPU might actually make some sense.
"Can't catch a break" or more accurately "Is getting a small fraction of what they deserve"

Once you say your OS *will* spy on you, nobody should ever believe it will ever *not spy* on you.
Cant imagine what such a disgusting feature will do to system performance, I mean yes, M$ are geniuses in making malicious tech transparent, but there is only so much they can do. In win10, you can almost feel being spied on with every single mouse click you do, the ever present subtle lag, you can actually feel it. Its not present on old versions of 7 & vista.

My theory here is the Govermint were worried this new tech would interfere with and expose their transparent methods of spying on and controlling the masses, they said, you have to make sure its not going to destabilize that facet of society, sure, you can milk them for every cent you can, but you must do so in a "legal" way that doesn't risk destabilizing the way we control them or take their rights away. You must make sure their data never gets intercepted by anyone on its way to 3rd part corps and nefarious gov agencies.
It will not be enough stay away from Windows, but also it will be necessary to stay away from other people using windows, since their laptops will be spying across their microphones and cameras, if they aren't doing it already.
I did the same last four years. I got rid of my MacBook, iPhone, and Samsung devices, including smart home appliances.

I also did the same to all my friends and families. None of us uses a smart device anymore. We live in the 30s now.

This comment was not written by me.
I had to send a letter to one of my coworkers to post it on my behalf.